Return to the museum

Since December 2021, as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the public association «Belarusian Union of Women», a youth wing has appeared in Polotsk, which includes girls from Polotsk secondary specialized educational institutions.

The meeting of the youth took place on April 5, 2023 at the Local Lore Museum of Polotsk. Chairman of the Polotsk regional organization «Belarusian Union of Women» A.P. Shchukina proposed to hold an intellectual marathon «Memorable pages of the history of 1812» for Polotsk college students, in which representatives of many Polotsk enterprises had previously taken part.

Girls from pedagogical and chemical-technological colleges, having got acquainted with the thematic exposition of the museum, tested their knowledge by answering entertaining questions of researchers, solving puzzles and putting together a reproduction of one of the paintings dedicated to the events of the war of 1812 from puzzles.

At the end of the marathon, each of its participants took with them not only new knowledge and pleasant sensations, but also an incentive prize. And the winning team also became the owner of a book dedicated to the history of Polotsk.